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Monday, October 3, 2011


Hooray! My favorite month of the year! I am originally from Virginia where the fall leaves are gorgeous! The colors are so vibrant they would just stop you in your tracks. This time of year the night air becomes windy and crisp with the hint of wood and smoke in the air and in the distance you can hear a high school marching band playing.  It’s time to start layering your wardrobe with jackets, sweaters, scarves and pull out those favorite boots. I LOVE it! Here are some samples from my style board on pinterest.

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It is also time to make warm comfort foods like pumpkin soup! Yum!


click the photo to get this recipe (btw I add a little bit of curry powder to it)

Three of my very best friends are born in this month as well as myself so it is definitely a time where I have many reasons to celebrate!

And of course my FAVORITE part of this month…


I love the decorations and creating fabulous costumes for my kids. From a sewing point of view, Halloween is a time where I get to experiment with design and crazy fabrics that I see in the fabric store but have no reason to buy. I will be talking more about costumes and decorations for Halloween as the month goes on. Here are some past favs…

Sara masquerade

A queen: Marie Antoinette

Gigi Jester full

A court jester

and of course…

Ethan as Elvis Thank you very much

The King

“Thank you, thank you very much”

had to do it ;)


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