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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Birthday Gift for this Birthday Boy

Meet Carter. He is the son of my really good friend Jess.
He is a character! (Don’t you dig the necklace?)
(and his stellar kung fu action?)
He can definitely out a smile on your face. Really, he is a crack up! Well Carter was having a birthday, lucky number 7. Jess posted these pictures of him in honor of this milestone.
Current Brainstorm: a birthday gift for Carter…
How many time has this happen to you? Your child has a birthday party invite and you are stumped on what to get and how much to spend. So many times I space it and have to get a gift at the last minute. I pay too much for something with little thought. I really like to consider the gift. I wish I could give a personal touch to every gift. I also like to consider the parents as well who will have to listen to it, keep track of its many pieces, or scrub, scrub, SCRUB down to the drywall to get it off!
Side note: Always give washable markers…ALWAYS. But I digress.
I had the idea that I wanted to personalize a shirt for Carter. I have done this before for girls and boys. I really wanted something even more,that matched his personality. Lightning struck (of all places at the Taco Bell drive thru). I remembered this other photo Jess had posted of him.
Carter and his favorite hat, a fedora! Hysterical!
I went home, drew a picture of the hat to create an applique. I chose a font to my liking to create the monogram. I went with a little contrast, selecting a lt. turquoise T, a bold black and grey hounds tooth (a fav!), and black baby wale corduroy for texture.
I’m in love with the finished product! I love making something with a personal touch and
especially when it brings a smile! (On the model…my sweet Ethan just before he lost those top baby teeth)
The fedora placed slightly askew gives it just the wink of swagger which in this case, is SOooo Carter.
Happy Birthday “Big” guy!

P.S. Carter informed the other day that this is his favorite shirt. Success!!
Want one? Visit my shop.